Thursday, July 23, 2009



Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily this morning. Problems and obstacles that have been difficult before now should find easy explanations under your keen examination. Unusual ideas and novel ways of expressing them play a bigger than usual part in your life now. A neighbor could play a part in this, or perhaps a brother or sister. The ways you get around and stay in touch at the everyday level are changed by technology or social circumstances. This may mean you are the first to have an electric car in your city or neighborhood. Of course, it could mean you finally get some item you have been worked toward, for a very long time.


The subjects of law, politics, education, travel and religion are some of the areas in which you may decide to expand your horizons. This could mean more education or a new job after much education. What is needed now is a plan, especially since your interests are so varied. You can become lost in the clouds on occasion. Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have been confounding should find explanations quickly today. Also, love is in full bloom at this time and now is a good time to fully demonstrate the depth of affection to loved ones. You are interested in seeking intellectual stimulation in both love life and social and leisure activities.


Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily this morning. Problems and obstacles that have been difficult before now should find easy explanations under your keen examination. Unusual ideas and novel ways of expressing them play a bigger than usual part in your life now. A neighbor could play a part in this, or perhaps a brother or sister. The ways you get around and stay in touch at the everyday level are changed by technology or social circumstances. This may mean you are the first to have an electric car in your city or neighborhood. Of course, it could mean you finally get some item you have wanted; waited and worked toward, for a very long time.


You are powerfully motivated today. Take care to reflect on the decisions you make now so that you do not have to go back and redo at a later time. Begin to insert the ability to count before speaking--you may hear something that will change your mind or find ways to convince others of your decision. Emotional seriousness and a sober orientation are keynotes of your deepest feelings. Rushing through today can only cause mistakes and irritability- -take breaks and do not forget healthy dieting. Recognize the stress for what it is--self-induced. Slow and easy moves will get you into the fast lane just as quickly as the reckless moves. The difference is the endurance. Energy follows thought--think positive thoughts!

Superficiality will not be tolerated today. Leave those details for another time and concentrate on your ideals and spiritual needs. If a call for help comes from a friend or associate, make sure it is a reciprocal relationship and not one where you are always doing the giving. Real insight into your own inner workings or psychology could surface today and in a manageable form. You may be in the mood for deep and penetrating conversations or thoughts. You are a good worker, always thinking and caring for things. You are naturally service-oriented and enjoy taking care of the needs of others. You can sort out the good apples from the bad. You may find yourself lecturing, guiding or teaching today. Eat your dinner meal with the family this evening.


Obtaining and exchanging information is important now--competition could be involved here. There is a tremendous drive to succeed, plus some sheer good luck, bringing real accomplishment. There is a lot of physical inspiration now. You are very ambitious and motivated and could serve as group leader or manager. A family person at heart you will find that a family business could work well now or in the near future. You are more involved than usual with neighbors or siblings this afternoon--plans for a barbecue are in the making. This evening you may enjoy a good movie or book or feel like escaping from day-to-day realities for a while. You appreciate an imaginative approach and enjoy futuristic ideas.


Changes are necessary and helping someone get through the changes may take a lot of your time this morning. Perhaps a corporate or department move is about to take place. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. It does not take you long, however, to weed out the culprit of confusion. The secret here is perseverance and confidence in your own ability to achieve and accomplish results. Your outward charm and ability to be all things to all people are what is most central to your personality. This afternoon there is a little time to shop. Spending quality time with your loved one is your main priority. Music is also likely to play a more important role for you. Animals gain your attention--you can teach an old dog a new trick!


Changes are happening in the work place and you are ready! It is necessary to revise, review and possibly rebuild on solid ground. This may mean a change in job or job responsibilities, for which you will find positive outcomes. More money comes your way now. Although this period may bring confusion to you--you may be thinking that it is others that are confused. Try to be direct, rather than evasive--a more focused conversation will be productive. Enjoy yourself this evening--a nice dinner out or consider catching up with your reading. Remember that to have a balance in your life you must include a bit of laughter. A few chores around your living area this afternoon and an early dinner will help balance out your day. Relax this evening.


This time favors both mental efforts and physical pursuits. If you are working . . . any project that you intend to finish will get your full attention. You drive to innovate, invent and find new ways to use things; this is both well coordinated and intense. Later today, you might spend time studying or learning through group discussion. Negotiations, planning and writing are favored at this time. This afternoon is the perfect time for the lighter side of life. The heavy stuff can wait, although if you have to make a business or financial transaction, go for it. You would probably rather write a poem or take a drive in the country--perhaps, even, express your love to someone. Travel under your own power, if at all possible, either by bicycle or walking.


Any kind of intricate, though unglamorous, work that requires perseverance and attention to meticulous detail has found its day. You have the patience to work slowly and carefully. Such diligence has its rewards! Your work or career is in harmony with the rest of your life. Outer circumstances are favorable for whatever projects need attention--relax. Your home environment, friends and surroundings may become more enjoyable now. There is encouragement in personal matters now. This evening there are opportunities to become more involved with family--especially brothers or sisters. Others may find you especially witty and eccentric. Being more in touch with others gives you a sense of belonging.


You might feel a bit rudderless today. Try to avoid making really important decisions just now. Stay out of uncharted waters--the course will be clearer tomorrow. If you do your job and others do their job, you will have progress. If you find yourself in a group discussion this afternoon, you should push for some time to pass before deciding any important action. You are in top form when it comes to ideas. Winning the admiration of others for the things you say or write takes on more importance now. You may have opportunities to be with young people today, perhaps in the role of guiding them. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. There are good feelings and a sense of support and harmony.


This is an easy, relaxing day . . . particularly, if you avoid excesses. There are several opportunities for in-depth discussions and probing conversations with all sorts of business associates. Your perceptive abilities are at a high point as well. This work day seems to accent your own ideas and expectations. Working within a group or groups in a spirit of cooperation and communion is a natural today as well. This evening you may be feeling more inward and more like sharing some time with your lover or with close friends. This evening is a good time for propping your feet up and enjoying some good communication between yourself and those you love. Close relationships take on more depth now.

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